Awards Deadlines | Academic Affairs | Welcome Back Events

Dean’s Team Updates
Dean’s Open Office Hours
- Dr. Jeffrey Savell and Dr. Patricia Klein will resume hosting Open Office Hours in late August. Sign up for a time and day online by Monday, Aug. 21. Please contact Jill Lee if you have any questions regarding the Open Office Hours.
Award Deadlines
- Due Friday, Aug. 11: The Hill Prizes nominations.
- Due Thursday, Aug. 31: Association of Former Students Distinguished Alumnus Award nominations.
- Due Saturday, Sept. 15: National Science Foundation Alan T. Waterman Award nominations.
- Due Saturday, Sept. 30: Johnson & Johnson Women in STEM2D Scholars Program applications (WiSTEM2D Scholars Program).
Academic Affairs Highlights
- Howdy and welcome to the 18 new faculty members who joined various departments in our College on Aug. 1! Those meeting new colleagues, please join us in supporting and welcoming them.
- New Faculty Orientations
- The Texas A&M University New Faculty Orientation will take place Tuesday through Friday, Aug. 8-11. See the Texas A&M Events calendar for each day’s agenda and more information.
- The Texas A&M AgriLife New Faculty Orientation will take place 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 15, in AGLS 129 or via Teams. For those attending in person, a light breakfast and lunch will be provided.
- Register online by 5 p.m. Friday, Aug. 4, or email [email protected] with any questions.
- New Academic Leader Orientation
- The Texas A&M University orientation for new leaders of faculty will take place 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Friday, Aug. 11, in MSC 2406. See the Texas A&M Events calendar for more information.
- Monday, Aug. 21: First day of classes, fall 2023.
- Monday, Sept. 4: Labor Day holiday for faculty and staff.
- Monday-Tuesday, Oct. 9-10: Fall break.
- Summer and fall semester schedule.
- New Student Conference Schedule.
- New associate dean for faculty affairs: Effective Friday, Sept. 1, we welcome Dr. Kim Dooley as associate dean for faculty affairs in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.
- Dr. Dooley, a professor in the Department of Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communications, previously served on our College leadership team as associate dean for academic operations.
- A big thanks to Dr. X. Ben Wu for his service as associate dean for faculty affairs over the past four years. Dr. Wu will continue to serve as a professor in the Department of Ecology and Conservation Biology.
- Fall 2023 course shells are available in Canvas in an unpublished state. Merge course sections through the self-service feature in ORCA by Wednesday, Aug. 16, 11:59 p.m.
- University Police Department active shooter training for AGLS will be available to employees Tuesday, Sept. 26, 1-2:30 p.m. in AGLS 129 and Friday, Sept. 29, 9–10:30 a.m. in PLPM 207. To reserve your seat please sign up here.
- Faculty Development Leave: If you are planning to submit a Faculty Development Leave application, please make sure to submit by your departmental deadline — these vary but are usually before mid-September.
- Dr. Linglin Xie is our College representative on the university’s Faculty Development Leave Committee. Feel free to reach out to Dr. Xie at [email protected] if you have any questions about the application.
- Promotion and tenure: Weekly Zoom Hour with P&T Chairs and Staff, Wednesdays 2-3 p.m.
- Texas A&M University Libraries are holding workshops supporting curriculum and research. Go to the libraries’ events page for the full schedule.
- If you work in a support role for graduate and professional students, stay informed by subscribing to the Graduate Advisors Listserv.
Student Success and Development
- The Texas A&M Career Center has specialized career advisors for every college and school. Find the AGLS Career Services Team in AGLS 517. Career advisors work with students to develop career readiness through skills such as resume writing, job search strategies, networking and interviewing.
- Mark your calendars for the upcoming AGLS Career Fair on Thursday and Friday, Sept. 21 and 22. For more information about our resources, workshops, and events, please email Caitlin Dartez, associate director for Career Services, at [email protected] and also view the Career Center Events Calendar.
- The College now has an embedded licensed professional counselor. Ms. Molly McCann will dedicate her time to the wellness of undergraduate or graduate students in AGLS, with an office physically located in the heart of west campus, at BCBP 103C. Contact her at [email protected] or 979.845.5032.
- ANRP interns impact policy! The Agricultural and Natural Resources Policy, ANRP, Internship Program sent 18 students to Washington and Rome this summer. In the fall, 13 AGLS students will be heading to Washington and Rome to experience the public policy process first-hand!
- Applications for spring 2024 will soon be open. Know a great candidate for the program? Please encourage them to visit to download the application and get started!
Graduate Programs
- New graduate student orientation dates for fall 2023: Wednesday, Aug. 16 and Friday, Aug. 18.
- Texas A&M University Graduate and Professional School
- The Grad School Calendar.
- The Grad School’s Dates and Deadlines information page.
- International Student important dates.
- List of contacts.
- Center for Teaching Excellence English Language Proficiency, CTE-ELP, programs provide training and testing for international students. Current teaching assistants who are not language certified are required to participate with the CTE-ELP program. Click for more information.
- The summer 2023 graduate student professional development in teaching workshop series is a collection of professional development opportunities from the Center for Teaching Excellence, CTE, in collaboration with the Graduate and Professional School.
- The fall 2023 Teaching Assistant Institute will be held in BLOC 102 on Tuesday, Aug. 15, Wednesday, Aug. 16, Thursday, Aug. 17, and Saturday, Sept. 9. Click here for the schedule.
- Responsible Conduct of Research, RCR, training: All graduate students participating in research must complete online CITI RCR Training.
- Graduate students participating in externally funded research (NIH, NSF, USDA-NIFA, external companies, etc.) must also complete four hours of face-to-face training. For more information regarding the face-to-face workshop training options and to register, please visit Workshop Information – Division of Research.
- Learn about your RCR responsibilities.
- Learn about and link to TAMU CITI training.
- Sign up for virtual and in-person RCR workshops.
- Graduate Resources and Development for Aggies, G.R.A.D. Aggies, offers professional development programming. For more information, visit the G.R.A.D. Aggies webpage.
- Graduate Mentoring Academy: See the Texas A&M GradConnect page for session schedules and to register.
- CIRTL@TAMU is a thriving community dedicated to developing the next generation of teachers, instructors and faculty. We hope you become involved! For information, email [email protected] or visit online.
- Graduate student travel: Need additional funding support for travel for conferences or research? Check out the RAP Travel Award at Texas A&M.
- Texas A&M’s International Student and Scholar Services is updating its immigration case management system. Visit for more information.
- Graduate student well-being
- The MySSP student support app allows students to text, call, and video chat with professional counselors.
- Texas A&M Counseling and Psychological Services, CAPS, is offering events focused on mental health for graduate and professional students. Click here for the schedule.
- Dr. Esther Wright at CAPS is trained in graduate student issues and concerns. Graduate and professional students may make appointments with Dr. Wright via the CAPS appointment portal system.
Undergraduate Programs
- Prospective students can register for an information session and a tour of west campus at
COALS Council
- COALS FX is a new freshman organization that will launch this fall! Its mission is to cultivate future leaders within the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences by providing comprehensive professional development, meaningful service opportunities and social interaction.
- Follow us on social media!
- Facebook: Texas A&M College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Student Council
- Instagram: @coals_tamu
- Website:
Save the Dates!
Rise and Shine With AGLS
Friday, Aug. 18, 8:30-11 a.m.

- Rise and Shine With AGLS, a College Open House and the COALS Council Social combined event, has a new date and updated location: 8:30-11 a.m., Friday, Aug. 18, The Gardens at Texas A&M University. Visit booths, listen to live music, enjoy coffee and breakfast items, and learn about planting succulents.
First Day of Class
Monday, Aug. 21, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
- To celebrate the first day of class of fall 2023, we will offer free pastries (morning) or popsicles and lemonade (afternoon) on the Shirley and Joe Swinbank ’74 AgriLife Center front lawn, Monday, Aug. 21, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. We will also have a photo backdrop!
Administrative Services
Professional Development
- LinkedIn Learning resources are free to all Texas A&M AgriLife employees. Some courses to check out this month:
- Online courses on communication, customer service, performance management, safety and technology are available from the Texas A&M University Division of Human Resources and Organizational Effectiveness.
AgriLife Employee Wellness
- Work/life solutions are available to Texas A&M AgriLife employees, including professional and personal training resources, through ComPsych GuidanceResources.
- Website:
- Did you know the Texas A&M University Staff Council has a Staff Emergency Fund available to College staff in need? Learn more about the Staff Emergency Fund.
- Through Thursday, Aug. 31, the University Staff Council is hosting a scavenger hunt to raise awareness and generate financial contributions to the Staff Emergency Fund. Learn more online.
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