AGLS Career Fair
The AGLS Career Fair brings together dozens of leading companies and hundreds of Aggie students in the Fall and Spring.
Learn more about how you can participate.

HireAggies is the online career management system for Texas A&M University’s current and former students. Through the system you can:
- Access thousands of full-time, cooperative education, and internship opportunities just for Aggies.
- Submit your resume, cover letters, and other documents to thousands of employing organizations.
- Schedule on-campus interviews.
- Connect with recruiters from companies and hiring organizations through the Employer Directory.
- Participate in virtual mock interviews, helpful online resources and tools, and take career assessments.

Jobs for Aggies
Jobs for Aggies can help you find part-time employment both on-campus and in the Bryan/College Station communities.

Departmental Jobs for Students
Career Coordinators
Caitlin Dartez
Associate Director, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Office: AGLS 517
Whitney Hinze
Senior Career Coordinator, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Majors: 3rd & 4th year AGLS students
Office: AGLS 517
Spencer Pepper
Career Coordinator, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Majors: 1st & 2nd year AGLS students
Office: AGLS 517
Dr. Paul Rainey
Interim Associate Director, Graduate Students
Majors: All master’s and Ph.D. students
Office: 209 Koldus
Graduate Assistant
Schedule an Appointment
Drop-in advising is offered daily for students via Zoom and lasts 15-20 minutes. Students can meet with a Career Center staff members about a resume/cover letter review or for questions related to interviews, salary negotiations etc.
The AGLS team hosts drop-ins on Monday afternoons from 1:30–4 p.m.
To attend a drop-in, use the button below and let the student assistant know you would like to meet with an AGLS team member.